Your words give power to your walk.
Why testify?
Sometimes when I am in an energetic zone (Lol!), I like to do workouts with Billy Blanks videos. (I know, who doesn’t, right?) In his Boot Camp Cardio Sculpt video, he remarks that your words give you power. Of course, Billy is talking about counting out loud and screaming or doing whatever you have to do to get through the workout.
But as I thought about his statement, I realized how true it is in the spiritual world. Our words give power to our spiritual walk. They bring the kingdom of God closer and to the center of our minds. Our words can encourage and uplift those around us. Our words let those around us know that we have a vibrant, active relationship with our Savior. And they can help our spirits grow and mature. Just like our words can give power to our physical workouts, our words can also elevate our spiritual walk!
Follow the directions.
In the last article, Come on up and testify, we looked at several different times when we are commanded to talk about God. And we know by now that obedience always brings blessing. (See Deuteronomy 28) We can lose our joy and peace simply because we are not following the directions we have been given. I think we all experience the profound joy that comes when we first receive Jesus as our Savior. But sometimes, after that, the joy and excitement start to wane. If we are not careful, we wind up just eking out our salvation in misery and mediocrity. This is so sad and unnecessary! Jesus said He came, “that they [we] may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10.
One of the reasons we lose our joy and excitement is that we quit talking about Jesus. In the beginning of our salvation, we tend to tell everyone and talk about Him regularly. But as time passes, it is easy to get lulled into a state where it just isn’t as stimulating as it used to be. I have learned that if we are willing to keep talking about it – and talk about it when God asks us to – it stays exciting! As a matter-of-fact, it grows more and more thrilling with each passing day until the original excitement is dimmed by the current blaze.
It is God who changes peoples’ lives.
Allow me to testify concerning how speaking about God has strengthened my own spiritual walk. And let me preface these remarks by saying that these experiences have nothing to do with anything good in me, other than being willing. It is always God who touches and changes peoples’ hearts and lives.
Once, I was in the grocery store and a lady whom I did not know recognized me from our neighborhood. We began talking and she started sharing some unbelievably traumatic things that were happening in her life. I felt God urging me to pray for her. So I asked if it would be okay if we prayed right there in the grocery store. She said yes. After we prayed she said that now she knew why she had agreed to come to the store with her son that night. It was so she could be encouraged and prayed for. Wow!! What a humbling and empowering experience for me to know that God had arranged a divine appointment to use me in that lady’s life.
One day, I was in Walmart. There was a lady, whom I had never seen before, crying profusely in the bathroom. God directed me to offer to pray for her. I did. She accepted and was extremely grateful and encouraged! God had arranged for our paths to meet that day. Another divine appointment!
She was set free.
In church one day, the Lord impressed upon me to pray for a certain lady who was crying and obviously upset. I didn’t really want to. After all, I had never seen this lady before. I proceeded to offer my objections to God, but as usual, He wasn’t convinced to change His mind. I lost the argument. Lol! When I approached her, she was eager to receive prayer. She shared with me how she had been in an abusive situation with a family member for many years. She wanted to be free from its influence on her life. After we prayed, God gave me another directive: Ask her if she has forgiven this family member that abused her.
Now, I really did not want to do that! After all, those types of questions are clearly prying into someone’s personal affairs. But again, I lost the argument. When I asked the question, the lady looked right at me and said no, she had not. I was able to share with her what God said about forgiveness, and how the peace she was seeking was only to be found through the path of forgiveness. Because of obedience to God’s command, she was set free. After that, every time I saw her, she had a radiant smile on her face. God had performed a miracle in her heart. Talk about exciting!
The kingdom of God draws closer and is real and exhilirating.
Moments like these are thrilling moments for my spirit. I am humbled by the fact that God would use me at all. But my spirit is supercharged by seeing a small glimpse into what God can do when we obey. My spirit is made glad, and my faith grows. I become more sensitive to His Spirit and directions. I experience the joy that He intends for us to have as believers. I gain charged anticipation for the next divine appointment, and the kingdom of God draws closer and is real and exhilarating!
And for those of you who are thinking, but I’m too shy, or too scared, or too ill-equipped, or any one of numerous other excuses, let me tell you that I was all of those things – and painfully so. But all God needs is an obedient servant. Never forget that He spoke through the mouth of a donkey. (See Numbers 22:21-33). If he can speak through a donkey, I’m quite confident that He can speak through all of us. 🙂
Using your words in ways that God has commanded us to will help your spirit to grow and mature. Don’t hesitate to open your mouth to be an encouragement to those around you. They will be thrilled that God sent someone to help them, and you will receive a spiritual blessing that will keep you headed down the Blessing Road – toward joy, peace, and excitement!
See you out there! 🙂
GUARD RAIL: Use your words in a way that will bring power to your spiritual walk!
Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
Ephesians 4:29b (NLT)